New Special Offer  

1 Cool Shaping app   $158

Package of 2 apps    $298

Package of 4 apps    $548

Package of 8 apps    $998

* includes a Lipo Laser treatment on two areas


Cryolipolysis helps rid of stubborn fat on various parts of the body that won’t go away, no matter how much you diet and exercise

Cool Shaping using Cryolipolysis technology selectively targets localized fat and deposits, abdominal fat, love handles, back rolls, muffin tops and bulges and reduces them by chilling them to just above freezing. Once crystallized, the fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from the body. It’s done gradually, without causing any harm to the surrounding tissues.

One Session Single Applicator

 (60 minutes per session)

On the first visit (15 min) consultation (required) complimentary

Included directly after your treatment:

Finish off the session for 10 minutes on a Whole Body Vibration Fitness Machine.

The combination of muscle strengthening, local fat burning, lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation.


  • If we treat one area on each arm, that would count as two treatment areas.
  • E.g Small lower abdomen = 1 area or A Large lower abdomen area = 2 areas
  • Both Hips = 2 areas.
  • Both love -handles & Small lower abdomen = 3 areas.

Fat Freezing Procedure:

Several steps you can expect through the Cool Body Shaping Procedure:

  1. Your stubborn fat is placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  2. After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, and the targeted fat cells die out naturally for the next several weeks.
  3. The results from CoolShaping using Cryolipolysis technology are long-lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

Treatment provided by a certified female Medical Aesthetician

*Results are not guaranteed,  patient experience may vary. Non-refundable.